2 OpenXR Setup¶
With your project created and your application building and running, we can start to use OpenXR. The goal of this chapter is to create an XrInstance and an XrSession, and setup the OpenXR event loop. This OpenXR code is needed to setup the core functionality of an OpenXR application to have that application interact with the OpenXR runtime and your graphics API correctly.
2.1 Creating an Instance¶
We will continue to use the OpenXRTutorial
class in Chapter2/main.cpp
that we created in Chapter 1.4.
Here, we will add the following highlighted text to the OpenXRTutorial
class OpenXRTutorial {
OpenXRTutorial(GraphicsAPI_Type apiType)
: m_apiType(apiType) {
~OpenXRTutorial() = default;
void Run() {
void CreateInstance() {
void DestroyInstance() {
void CreateDebugMessenger() {
void DestroyDebugMessenger() {
void GetInstanceProperties() {
void GetSystemID() {
void PollSystemEvents() {
XrInstance m_xrInstance = {};
std::vector<const char *> m_activeAPILayers = {};
std::vector<const char *> m_activeInstanceExtensions = {};
std::vector<std::string> m_apiLayers = {};
std::vector<std::string> m_instanceExtensions = {};
XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT m_debugUtilsMessenger = {};
XrSystemId m_systemID = {};
XrSystemProperties m_systemProperties = {XR_TYPE_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES};
GraphicsAPI_Type m_apiType = UNKNOWN;
bool m_applicationRunning = true;
bool m_sessionRunning = false;
First, we updated OpenXRTutorial::Run()
to call the new methods CreateInstance()
, GetInstanceProperties()
, GetSystemID()
and DestroyInstance()
in that order. Finally, we added those methods and the following members to the class within their separate private sections.
2.1.1 The OpenXR Instance¶
The XrInstance is the foundational object that we need to create first. The XrInstance encompasses the application setup state, OpenXR API version and any layers and extensions. So inside the CreateInstance()
method, we will first add the code for the XrApplicationInfo.
XrApplicationInfo AI;
strncpy(AI.applicationName, "OpenXR Tutorial Chapter 2", XR_MAX_APPLICATION_NAME_SIZE);
AI.applicationVersion = 1;
strncpy(AI.engineName, "OpenXR Engine", XR_MAX_ENGINE_NAME_SIZE);
AI.engineVersion = 1;
This structure allows you to specify both the name and the version for your application and engine. These members are solely for your use as the application developer. The main member here is the XrApplicationInfo ::apiVersion
. Here we use the XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION macro to specify the OpenXR version that we want to run. Also, note here the use of strncpy()
to set the name strings. If you look at XrApplicationInfo ::applicationName
and XrApplicationInfo ::engineName
members, they are of type char[]
, so you must copy your string into that buffer. Also, be aware of the allowable length. XrApplicationInfo will be used later when we will fill out XrInstanceCreateInfo.
Similarly to Vulkan, OpenXR allows applications to extend functionality past what is provided by the core specification. The added functionality could be hardware/vendor specific. Most vital of course is which Graphics API to use with OpenXR. OpenXR supports D3D11, D3D12, Vulkan, OpenGL and OpenGL ES. Due to the extensible nature of specification, it allows newer Graphics APIs and hardware functionality to be added with ease. Following on from the previous code in the CreateInstance()
method, add the following:
// Ensure m_apiType is already defined when we call this line.
Here, we store in a vector of strings the extension names that we would like to use. XR_EXT_DEBUG_UTILS_EXTENSION_NAME
is a macro of a string defined in openxr.h
. The XR_EXT_debug_utils is an extension that checks the validity of calls made to OpenXR and can use a callback function to handle any raised errors. We will explore this extension more in Chapter 2.1. Depending on which XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_...
macro you defined, this code will add the relevant extension.
Not all API layers and extensions are available to use, so we must check which ones are available when OpenXR is initialized. We will use xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties and xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties to check which ones the runtime can provide. Let’s do this now by adding the following code to the CreateInstance()
// Get all the API Layers from the OpenXR runtime.
uint32_t apiLayerCount = 0;
std::vector<XrApiLayerProperties> apiLayerProperties;
OPENXR_CHECK(xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties(0, &apiLayerCount, nullptr), "Failed to enumerate ApiLayerProperties.");
apiLayerProperties.resize(apiLayerCount, {XR_TYPE_API_LAYER_PROPERTIES});
OPENXR_CHECK(xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties(apiLayerCount, &apiLayerCount, apiLayerProperties.data()), "Failed to enumerate ApiLayerProperties.");
// Check the requested API layers against the ones from the OpenXR. If found add it to the Active API Layers.
for (auto &requestLayer : m_apiLayers) {
for (auto &layerProperty : apiLayerProperties) {
// strcmp returns 0 if the strings match.
if (strcmp(requestLayer.c_str(), layerProperty.layerName) != 0) {
} else {
// Get all the Instance Extensions from the OpenXR instance.
uint32_t extensionCount = 0;
std::vector<XrExtensionProperties> extensionProperties;
OPENXR_CHECK(xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(nullptr, 0, &extensionCount, nullptr), "Failed to enumerate InstanceExtensionProperties.");
extensionProperties.resize(extensionCount, {XR_TYPE_EXTENSION_PROPERTIES});
OPENXR_CHECK(xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(nullptr, extensionCount, &extensionCount, extensionProperties.data()), "Failed to enumerate InstanceExtensionProperties.");
// Check the requested Instance Extensions against the ones from the OpenXR runtime.
// If an extension is found add it to Active Instance Extensions.
// Log error if the Instance Extension is not found.
for (auto &requestedInstanceExtension : m_instanceExtensions) {
bool found = false;
for (auto &extensionProperty : extensionProperties) {
// strcmp returns 0 if the strings match.
if (strcmp(requestedInstanceExtension.c_str(), extensionProperty.extensionName) != 0) {
} else {
found = true;
if (!found) {
XR_TUT_LOG_ERROR("Failed to find OpenXR instance extension: " << requestedInstanceExtension);
These functions are called twice. The first time is to get the count of the API layers or extensions and the second is to fill out the array of structures - this is called the “two-call idiom”. Before the second call, we need to set XrApiLayerProperties ::type
or XrExtensionProperties ::type
to the correct value, so that the second call can correctly fill out the data. After we have enumerated the API layer and extension, we use a nested loop to check to see whether an API layers or extensions is available and add it to the m_activeAPILayers
and/or m_activeInstanceExtensions
In OpenXR, we provide an explicit input capacity to both xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties and xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties, which provides an additional layer of memory-safety. xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties also allows you to query instance extensions by API layer name. In this tutorial, we just query the non-layer extensions that are implicitly loaded by the runtime.
Note the m_activeAPILayers
and m_activeInstanceExtensions
are of type std::vector<const char *>
. This will help us when fill out the next structure XrInstanceCreateInfo.
Now that we’ve assembled all of the information needed we will fill the XrInstanceCreateInfo structure, and add the following to the CreateInstance()
XrInstanceCreateInfo instanceCI{XR_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO};
instanceCI.createFlags = 0;
instanceCI.applicationInfo = AI;
instanceCI.enabledApiLayerCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(m_activeAPILayers.size());
instanceCI.enabledApiLayerNames = m_activeAPILayers.data();
instanceCI.enabledExtensionCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(m_activeInstanceExtensions.size());
instanceCI.enabledExtensionNames = m_activeInstanceExtensions.data();
OPENXR_CHECK(xrCreateInstance(&instanceCI, &m_xrInstance), "Failed to create Instance.");
This section is fairly simple: we have used the previously collected data and assigned it to the members in the XrInstanceCreateInfo structure. Then, we called xrCreateInstance where we took pointers to the XrInstanceCreateInfo and XrInstance objects. When the function is called, if successful, it returns XR_SUCCESS
and XrInstance will be non-null (i.e. not equal to XR_NULL_HANDLE).
At the end of the app, we should destroy the XrInstance with xrDestroyInstance. Add the following to the DestroyInstance()
OPENXR_CHECK(xrDestroyInstance(m_xrInstance), "Failed to destroy Instance.");
While we do have an XrInstance, let’s check its properties. Add the following code to the GetInstanceProperties()
XrInstanceProperties instanceProperties{XR_TYPE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES};
OPENXR_CHECK(xrGetInstanceProperties(m_xrInstance, &instanceProperties), "Failed to get InstanceProperties.");
XR_TUT_LOG("OpenXR Runtime: " << instanceProperties.runtimeName << " - "
<< XR_VERSION_MAJOR(instanceProperties.runtimeVersion) << "."
<< XR_VERSION_MINOR(instanceProperties.runtimeVersion) << "."
<< XR_VERSION_PATCH(instanceProperties.runtimeVersion));
Here, we have initialized the XrInstanceProperties with the correct XrStructureType and passed it along with the XrInstance to xrGetInstanceProperties. This will fill the rest of that structure. Next, we logged out the runtime’s name, and using the XR_VERSION_...
macros, we parsed and logged the runtime version.
2.1.2 XR_EXT_debug_utils¶
XR_EXT_debug_utils is an instance extension for OpenXR, which allows the application to get more information on errors, warnings and messages raised by the runtime. You can specify which message severities and types will checked. If a debug message is raised, it is passed to the callback function, which can optionally use the user data pointer provided in the XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT structure.
- The message severities are:
Verbose: Output all messages.
Info: Output at least information messages helpful in debugging.
Warning: Output at least messages that could suggest an application bug and that need reviewing.
Error: Output messages from errors that may cause undefined behavior and/or crashes.
- The message types are:
General: General information.
Validation: indicates possibly invalid usage of OpenXR.
Performance: indicates possible non-optimal usage of OpenXR.
Conformance: indicates a non-conformant OpenXR result from the runtime.
See also Debug Message Categorization in the OpenXR Specification.
Copy the following code into CreateDebugMessenger()
and DestroyDebugMessenger()
// Check that "XR_EXT_debug_utils" is in the active Instance Extensions before creating an XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT.
if (IsStringInVector(m_activeInstanceExtensions, XR_EXT_DEBUG_UTILS_EXTENSION_NAME)) {
m_debugUtilsMessenger = CreateOpenXRDebugUtilsMessenger(m_xrInstance); // From OpenXRDebugUtils.h.
// Check that "XR_EXT_debug_utils" is in the active Instance Extensions before destroying the XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT.
if (m_debugUtilsMessenger != XR_NULL_HANDLE) {
DestroyOpenXRDebugUtilsMessenger(m_xrInstance, m_debugUtilsMessenger); // From OpenXRDebugUtils.h.
In the above, we first check that XR_EXT_DEBUG_UTILS_EXTENSION_NAME
or XR_EXT_debug_utils is in activeInstanceExtensions
, which we used to create the XrInstance. Next, we call the CreateOpenXRDebugUtilsMessenger()
function. At the end of the application, we call DestroyOpenXRDebugUtilsMessenger()
to release the resource.
Another feature of OpenXR is the API Layers, which may also assist you in debugging. You can read more about them in Chapter 6.3.
2.1.3 Obtaining the System Id¶
The next object we want to get is the XrSystemId. According to System in the OpenXR spec, OpenXR ‘separates the concept of physical systems of XR devices from the logical objects that applications interact with directly. A system represents a collection of related devices in the runtime, often made up of several individual hardware components working together to enable XR experiences. So, an XrSystemId could represent a VR headset and a pair of controllers, or perhaps a mobile device with video pass-through for AR. So we need to decide what type of XrFormFactor we want to use, as some runtimes support multiple form factors. Here, we are selecting XR_FORM_FACTOR_HEAD_MOUNTED_DISPLAY
. OpenXR currently offers two options for the XrFormFactor:
typedef enum XrFormFactor {
} XrFormFactor;
The above code is an excerpt from openxr/openxr.h
Add the following code to the GetSystemID()
// Get the XrSystemId from the instance and the supplied XrFormFactor.
XrSystemGetInfo systemGI{XR_TYPE_SYSTEM_GET_INFO};
systemGI.formFactor = m_formFactor;
OPENXR_CHECK(xrGetSystem(m_xrInstance, &systemGI, &m_systemID), "Failed to get SystemID.");
// Get the System's properties for some general information about the hardware and the vendor.
OPENXR_CHECK(xrGetSystemProperties(m_xrInstance, m_systemID, &m_systemProperties), "Failed to get SystemProperties.");
Here, we have filled out the XrSystemGetInfo structure with the desired XrFormFactor and passed it as a pointer along with the XrInstance and a pointer to the XrSystemId to the xrGetSystem function. When the function is called, if successful, XrSystemId will be non-null.
With the above code, we have also got the system’s properties. We partially filled out a XrSystemProperties structure and passed it as a pointer along with the XrInstance and the XrSystemId to the xrGetSystemProperties function. This function will fill out the rest of the XrSystemProperties structure; detailing the vendor’s ID, the system’s name and the system’s graphics and tracking properties.
typedef struct XrSystemGraphicsProperties {
uint32_t maxSwapchainImageHeight;
uint32_t maxSwapchainImageWidth;
uint32_t maxLayerCount;
} XrSystemGraphicsProperties;
typedef struct XrSystemTrackingProperties {
XrBool32 orientationTracking;
XrBool32 positionTracking;
} XrSystemTrackingProperties;
typedef struct XrSystemProperties {
XrStructureType type;
void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
XrSystemId systemId;
uint32_t vendorId;
char systemName[XR_MAX_SYSTEM_NAME_SIZE];
XrSystemGraphicsProperties graphicsProperties;
XrSystemTrackingProperties trackingProperties;
} XrSystemProperties;
The above code is an excerpt from openxr/openxr.h
You can now run the application to check that you have a valid XrInstance and XrSystemId.
2.2 Creating a Session¶
The next major component of OpenXR that needs to be created in an XrSession. An XrSession encapsulates the state of the application from the perspective of OpenXR. When an XrSession is created, it starts in the XrSessionState XR_SESSION_STATE_IDLE
. It is up to the runtime to provide any updates to the XrSessionState and for the application to query them and react to them. We will explore this in Chapter 2.3.
For now, we are just going to create an XrSession. At this point, you’ll need to select which Graphics API you wish to use. Only one Graphics API can be used with an XrSession. This tutorial demonstrates how to use D3D11, D3D12, OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan in conjunction with OpenXR to render graphics to the provided views. Ultimately, you will most likely be bringing your own rendering solution to this tutorial, therefore the code examples provided for the Graphics APIs are placeholders for your own code base; demonstrating in this sub-chapter what objects are needed from your Graphics API to create an XrSession. This tutorial uses polymorphic classes; GraphicsAPI_...
derives from the base GraphicsAPI
class. There are both compile and runtime checks to select the requested Graphics API, and we construct an appropriate derived class through the use of std::unique_ptr<>
Update the constructor of the OpenXRTutorial
class, the OpenXRTutorial::Run()
method and also add the definitions of the new methods and the members to their separate private sections. All the new code is highlighted code below.
class OpenXRTutorial {
OpenXRTutorial(GraphicsAPI_Type apiType)
: m_apiType(apiType) {
if(!CheckGraphicsAPI_TypeIsValidForPlatform(m_apiType)) {
std::cout << "ERROR: The provided Graphics API is not valid for this platform." << std::endl;
~OpenXRTutorial() = default;
void Run() {
void CreateInstance()
// [...]
void DestroyInstance()
// [...]
void GetInstanceProperties()
// [...]
void GetSystemID()
// [...]
void CreateDebugMessenger()
// [...]
void DestroyDebugMessenger()
// [...]
void CreateSession()
void DestroySession()
void PollSystemEvents()
XrInstance m_xrInstance = {};
std::vector<const char *> m_activeAPILayers = {};
std::vector<const char *> m_activeInstanceExtensions = {};
std::vector<std::string> m_apiLayers = {};
std::vector<std::string> m_instanceExtensions = {};
XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT m_debugUtilsMessenger = {};
XrSystemId m_systemID = {};
XrSystemProperties m_systemProperties = {XR_TYPE_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES};
GraphicsAPI_Type m_apiType = UNKNOWN;
std::unique_ptr<GraphicsAPI> m_graphicsAPI = nullptr;
XrSession m_session = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
bool m_applicationRunning = true;
bool m_sessionRunning = false;
2.2.1 XrSession¶
Copy the following code into the CreateSession()
XrSessionCreateInfo sessionCI{XR_TYPE_SESSION_CREATE_INFO};
m_graphicsAPI = std::make_unique<GraphicsAPI_OpenGL_ES>(m_xrInstance, m_systemID);
sessionCI.next = m_graphicsAPI->GetGraphicsBinding();
sessionCI.createFlags = 0;
sessionCI.systemId = m_systemID;
OPENXR_CHECK(xrCreateSession(m_xrInstance, &sessionCI, &m_session), "Failed to create Session.");
For the DestroySession()
method, add the following code:
OPENXR_CHECK(xrDestroySession(m_session), "Failed to destroy Session.");
Above is the code for creating and destroying an XrSession. xrDestroySession will destroy the XrSession when we are finished and shutting down the application. xrCreateSession takes the XrInstance, XrSessionCreateInfo and a XrSession return. If the function call is successful, xrCreateSession will return XR_SUCCESS
and m_session
will be non-null.
In the XrSessionCreateInfo structure, createFlags
and systemId
are specified, and we need to specify which Graphics API we wish to use. This is achieved via the use of the XrSessionCreateInfo ::next
void pointer. Following the Vulkan style of extensibility, structures for creating objects can be extended to enable extra functionality. In our case, the extension is required and thus XrSessionCreateInfo ::next
can not be a nullptr. That pointer must point to ‘exactly one graphics API binding structure (a structure whose name begins with “XrGraphicsBinding”)’ (XrSessionCreateInfo(3) Manual Page). We get a pointer to the correct Graphics Binding structure by calling GraphicsAPI::GetGraphicsBinding();
2.3 Polling the Event Loop¶
OpenXR uses an event-based system to describe changes within the XR system. It’s the application’s responsibility to poll these events and react to them. The polling of events is done by the function xrPollEvent. The application should continually call this function throughout its lifetime. Within a single XR frame, the application should continuously call xrPollEvent until the internal event queue is ‘drained’; multiple events can occur across the XR frame and the application needs to handle and respond to each accordingly.
Firstly, we will update the class. In the OpenXRTutorial::Run()
method add the highlighted code below. Also, add the highlighted code for the new methods and members in their separate private sections.
class OpenXRTutorial {
OpenXRTutorial(GraphicsAPI_Type apiType)
: m_apiType(apiType) {
if(!CheckGraphicsAPI_TypeIsValidForPlatform(m_apiType)) {
std::cout << "ERROR: The provided Graphics API is not valid for this platform." << std::endl;
~OpenXRTutorial() = default;
void Run() {
while (m_applicationRunning) {
if (m_sessionRunning) {
// Draw Frame.
void CreateInstance()
// [...]
void DestroyInstance()
// [...]
void GetInstanceProperties()
// [...]
void GetSystemID()
// [...]
void CreateDebugMessenger()
// [...]
void DestroyDebugMessenger()
// [...]
void CreateSession()
// [...]
void DestroySession()
// [...]
void PollEvents()
void PollSystemEvents()
XrInstance m_xrInstance = {};
std::vector<const char *> m_activeAPILayers = {};
std::vector<const char *> m_activeInstanceExtensions = {};
std::vector<std::string> m_apiLayers = {};
std::vector<std::string> m_instanceExtensions = {};
XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT m_debugUtilsMessenger = {};
XrSystemId m_systemID = {};
XrSystemProperties m_systemProperties = {XR_TYPE_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES};
GraphicsAPI_Type m_apiType = UNKNOWN;
std::unique_ptr<GraphicsAPI> m_graphicsAPI = nullptr;
XrSession m_session = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
XrSessionState m_sessionState = XR_SESSION_STATE_UNKNOWN;
bool m_applicationRunning = true;
bool m_sessionRunning = false;
2.3.1 xrPollEvent¶
Copy the following code into the PollEvents()
// Poll OpenXR for a new event.
XrEventDataBuffer eventData{XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_BUFFER};
auto XrPollEvents = [&]() -> bool {
return xrPollEvent(m_xrInstance, &eventData) == XR_SUCCESS;
while (XrPollEvents()) {
switch (eventData.type) {
// Log the number of lost events from the runtime.
XrEventDataEventsLost *eventsLost = reinterpret_cast<XrEventDataEventsLost *>(&eventData);
XR_TUT_LOG("OPENXR: Events Lost: " << eventsLost->lostEventCount);
// Log that an instance loss is pending and shutdown the application.
XrEventDataInstanceLossPending *instanceLossPending = reinterpret_cast<XrEventDataInstanceLossPending *>(&eventData);
XR_TUT_LOG("OPENXR: Instance Loss Pending at: " << instanceLossPending->lossTime);
m_sessionRunning = false;
m_applicationRunning = false;
// Log that the interaction profile has changed.
XrEventDataInteractionProfileChanged *interactionProfileChanged = reinterpret_cast<XrEventDataInteractionProfileChanged *>(&eventData);
XR_TUT_LOG("OPENXR: Interaction Profile changed for Session: " << interactionProfileChanged->session);
if (interactionProfileChanged->session != m_session) {
XR_TUT_LOG("XrEventDataInteractionProfileChanged for unknown Session");
// Log that there's a reference space change pending.
XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending *referenceSpaceChangePending = reinterpret_cast<XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending *>(&eventData);
XR_TUT_LOG("OPENXR: Reference Space Change pending for Session: " << referenceSpaceChangePending->session);
if (referenceSpaceChangePending->session != m_session) {
XR_TUT_LOG("XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending for unknown Session");
// Session State changes:
XrEventDataSessionStateChanged *sessionStateChanged = reinterpret_cast<XrEventDataSessionStateChanged *>(&eventData);
if (sessionStateChanged->session != m_session) {
XR_TUT_LOG("XrEventDataSessionStateChanged for unknown Session");
if (sessionStateChanged->state == XR_SESSION_STATE_READY) {
// SessionState is ready. Begin the XrSession using the XrViewConfigurationType.
XrSessionBeginInfo sessionBeginInfo{XR_TYPE_SESSION_BEGIN_INFO};
sessionBeginInfo.primaryViewConfigurationType = XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO;
OPENXR_CHECK(xrBeginSession(m_session, &sessionBeginInfo), "Failed to begin Session.");
m_sessionRunning = true;
if (sessionStateChanged->state == XR_SESSION_STATE_STOPPING) {
// SessionState is stopping. End the XrSession.
OPENXR_CHECK(xrEndSession(m_session), "Failed to end Session.");
m_sessionRunning = false;
if (sessionStateChanged->state == XR_SESSION_STATE_EXITING) {
// SessionState is exiting. Exit the application.
m_sessionRunning = false;
m_applicationRunning = false;
if (sessionStateChanged->state == XR_SESSION_STATE_LOSS_PENDING) {
// SessionState is loss pending. Exit the application.
// It's possible to try a reestablish an XrInstance and XrSession, but we will simply exit here.
m_sessionRunning = false;
m_applicationRunning = false;
// Store state for reference across the application.
m_sessionState = sessionStateChanged->state;
default: {
Above, we have defined the PollEvents()
method. Here, we use a lambda to call xrPollEvent. This call will fill in the XrEventDataBuffer structure that we pass to the function call, which we use later in this method. We also check that returned XrResult is XR_SUCCESS
. Whilst that function returns XR_SUCCESS
, there are events for us to process, and therefore we use a while loop to continually check for new events. xrPollEvent will update the member variable type
and from this, we use a switch statement to select the appropriate code path. Depending on the updated type, we use a reinterpret_cast<>()
to get the actual data that xrPollEvent returned. In certain cases, we also check that the returned XrSession matches the one we created.
The description of the events comes from 2.22.1. Event Polling of the OpenXR specification.
Event Type |
Description |
The event queue has overflowed and some events were lost. |
The application is about to lose the instance. |
The active input form factor for one or more top-level user paths has changed. |
The runtime will begin operating with updated space bounds. |
The application has changed its lifecycle state. |
As described in the table above, most events are transparent in their intentions and how the application should react to them. For the XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_INSTANCE_LOSS_PENDING
state, the application may want to try re-creating the XrInstance in a loop, and after the specified lossTime
, until it can create a new instance successfully.
are used for updating how the user interacts with the application and whether a new space change has been detected respectively. XrSpace s are discussed in detail in Chapter 3.2.2
2.3.2 XrSessionState¶
, in the above code and table, is what we will focus on for the rest of this chapter. There are currently nine valid states:
typedef enum XrSessionState {
} XrSessionState;
The above code is an excerpt from openxr/openxr.h
Below is a table describing the states of XrSessionState:
Event Type |
Description |
This is an unknown, pseudo-default state and should not be returned by the runtime. |
This is an initial state after creating or after ending the session. |
This state, raised from the runtime, indicates that the session is ready to begin. |
The application has synced its frame loop with the runtime but isn’t displaying its contents. |
The application has synced its frame loop with the runtime and it is displaying its contents. |
The application has synced its frame loop with the runtime and it is displaying its contents and can receive XR inputs. |
The runtime is requesting that the application stop its frame loop rendering and end the session. |
The runtime is indicating that the current session is no longer valid and should be destroyed. (*) |
The runtime is requesting that the application to destroy the session, usually from the user’s request. |
(*) Applications may wish to re-create objects like XrSystemId and XrSession if hardware changes are detected.
Developers should also be aware of the lifecycle of an XrSession. Certain XrSessionState s can only lead to certain others under the correct circumstances. Below is a diagram showing the lifecycle of an XrSession within an OpenXR application.
OpenXR Session Life-Cycle¶
2.3.3 xrBeginSession and xrEndSession¶
As the application runs, if the XrSessionState changes to XR_SESSION_STATE_READY
, the application can call xrBeginSession to begin the session and synchronize the application with the runtime’s frame hook.
if (sessionStateChanged->state == XR_SESSION_STATE_READY) {
// SessionState is ready. Begin the XrSession using the XrViewConfigurationType.
XrSessionBeginInfo sessionBeginInfo{XR_TYPE_SESSION_BEGIN_INFO};
sessionBeginInfo.primaryViewConfigurationType = XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO;
OPENXR_CHECK(xrBeginSession(m_session, &sessionBeginInfo), "Failed to begin Session.");
m_sessionRunning = true;
From the code that we copied in Chapter 2.3.1, we’ve assigned to XrSessionBeginInfo ::primaryViewConfigurationType
. This specifies the view configuration of the form factor’s primary display - For Head Mounted Displays, it is two views (one per eye). For the time being, we have defaulted to XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO
. In Chapter 3.1.1, we enumerate all the system’s view configurations to pick a suitable one.
If the XrSessionState changes to XR_SESSION_STATE_STOPPING
, the application should call xrEndSession. This means that the runtime has stopped the session either from a user’s input or from some other reason, our application should respond by ending the session and freeing any resources. Below is a small excerpt from the code that we copied in Chapter 2.3.1.
if (sessionStateChanged->state == XR_SESSION_STATE_STOPPING) {
// SessionState is stopping. End the XrSession.
OPENXR_CHECK(xrEndSession(m_session), "Failed to end Session.");
m_sessionRunning = false;
2.4 Summary¶
We have now created an XR application that can begin and stop an XrSession, next we will look to add graphics to our application!
Below is a download link to a zip archive for this chapter containing all the C++ and CMake code for all platform and graphics APIs.
Version: v0.0.0